Welcome to WorkInNonProfits.ca!

What do we do?   WorkInNonProfits.ca is committed to help build and strengthen Canada's non-profit sector by connecting non-profits across the country with job seekers and volunteers.

How are we different?   Well, for starters we work and volunteer in non-profits. We understand how difficult it is to raise funds and how most of the money you do raise is usually restricted for programs. We also understand the moral obligation that non-profits have to spend that money wisely. They really shouldn't be paying hundreds of dollars to advertise a single job on other web sites. So in 2006 we launched a website where all job postings are free of charge for non-profits.

19 years on and we're proud to have helped Canadian non-profit organizations of every size save an estimated 24 million dollars by posting job vacancies free of charge on our site.

Making a difference?   We'd like to think that those 24 million dollars have been put to better use on essential program delivery as opposed to job posting fees. You too can help our Canadian non-profit sector focus their limited financial resources on what matters most. Tell your colleagues and friends about this site.