Cultural Connector
Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation
Edmonton area
closed 64 days ago (Thu, 31 Oct 2024) full time - temporary / contract
Who Are We?
The Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation (JMMF) is a not-for profit organization that works toward breaking the cycle of domestic violence through the actions of advocacy, awareness, community engagement, education, and safe housing. We operate Jessie’s House (a 35 bed all-gender emergency shelter) and Eileen’s Place (a 3-unit second stage transitional housing program). We are committed to creating inclusivity, diversity, and equity for our employees and the community we serve.
We offer competitive wages, a comprehensive benefit package, retirement savings program, and professional development opportunities. Visit to learn more about who we are and what we do.
EmploymentType:Fulltime-Temporary; this is covering a maternity leave.
Work Hours:8:30am-4:30pm Monday thru Friday
Application Deadline: October 31st
Start Date:Mid-November
TheCulturalConnectorsupportstheLeadershipTeaminensuringtheorganization’sconsistentachievementofitsmissionand organizational strategic priorities. This position is part of the Outreach Team, providing support to clients who require support but are not staying at Jessie’s House. This position is responsible for supporting First Nations, Metis, New Canadians, Racialized, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people. The Cultural Connector will have sound knowledge of the impacts of colonialism, residential schools, and intergenerational trauma.
TheCulturalConnectorofferscommunityresourcesandculturallyspecific programmingtoourFirstNations,Inuit, Metis, New Canadians, Racialized, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people.
TheCulturalConnectorwillensureourclientshaveaccesstoculturalsupportsandbuildcapacityforlong-term connections through referrals to community agencies.
Support Jessie’s House Residential clients to reduce barriers of cultural adjustment and strengthen linkages with vital community services.
Work collaboratively with co-workers, agencies, and service groups, using a client-centered approach and respecting the client’s rights to self-determination.
Provide public education to community agencies, groups, schools, and the public to raise awareness and knowledge about family violence and bullying.
Workcollaborativelywithourteamtocreateanempowering,welcoming,andacceptingenvironmenttosupport individuals and families.
Maintainaprofessionalworkingrelationshipwithallagencies,servicegroups,thepublicatlarge,residential, and non-residential clients, co-workers, and the Leadership Team.
AssistOutreachclientswithfutureplans,assistinthenavigationofhousingresources,secondstagehousing, and financial assistance with a client centered approach.
AssisttheResidentialProgramwiththedeliveryofdangerassessments,caseplans,one-on-onesupport,and any other duties as requested by the Leadership Team.
Developanddeliverpresentationsaboutfamilyviolencepreventionandbullyingtocommunityagencies,service groups, schools, and the public.
Organizeandpromoteculturaleventssuchas(notlimitedto)theMooseHideCampaign,PrideMonth, Indigenous Peoples Day, Eid; both to community members as well as for the clients at Jessie’s House.
Maintainahighdegreeofsafety,security,andconfidentiality at alltimes.
The Cultural Connector will also complete all other duties as assigned by the Deputy Director and Executive Director, including providing relief support to the rest of the shelter team where required.
RegisteredSocialWorkDiploma,orpost-secondaryeducationinrelatedfield.Post-SecondaryDiploma(withcurrent registration, if required).
ExperienceworkingwithdiversepeopleandknowledgeofIndigenous history, and culture.
Please Note: is not affiliated with and in no way endorses or vets the organization that posted this job. Any links posted within the job will take you to their external site where the same disclaimer applies.
Thanks for looking on and good luck with your job search!